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Who is MOFT Youth?

MOFT youth isn’t joined together by relations, status or race, and most certainly not by chance. No, we are a body built up of young people that are connected and united only through His name and His grace. Together we seek to build up His presence in our daily lives and we do so by finding encouragement and unity in each other.

     Our mission is to build up each person's personal relationship with Christ and encourage each one's spiritual growth. We know that each young mind has something so special to offer for His kingdom and that together we make up one body of Christ, not quite right without each other’s presence.

        To build upon our unity and closeness we get together for fellowship quite often. We not only have our weekly Monday youth get togethers, a place to share and listen to each other’s testimonies and get guided in life’s questions. We also have prayers, worship services, small group Bible studies, prayer camps, summer bonfires and many more Christ filled outings. We build life lasting memories filled with laughter, joy and most importantly God's gift of each other.

   We come together not to show that we are perfect or that we serve His name so greatly. We, MOFT Youth, come together to show that we all are imperfect and nothing without Him. We acknowledge the amazing privilege He’s given us, for without His merciful name none of us would know each other or even be here today.



Written by, 

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